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Nigeria to Rwanda: All to Know About It

Rwanda, a welcoming destination for Nigerian passport holders, offers a hassle-free entry process, eliminating the need for a visa in advance. Upon arrival, Nigerian travelers can obtain a visa seamlessly, a process that typically takes no more than 5 minutes. The inquiries posed during this process are generally straightforward (“What country are you arriving from?” “Why are you visiting Rwanda?” “How long is your intended stay?”), making entry into the country straightforward and stress-free.

For those keen on exploring East Africa, an East Africa Visa, covering Rwanda, Uganda, and Kenya, proves to be an excellent option. This visa can be acquired online by obtaining an E-Visa approval and presenting it upon arrival at the Kigali International Airport.

Visa requirements primarily include an international passport, and in some cases, proof of hotel reservation. The cost of a visa for Rwanda alone stands at $30 per person. However, for travelers intending to explore the entire East African region, the East Africa Tourist Visa, available at $100 upon presentation of the E-visa approval printout, offers broader access and convenience.

As for the Rwanda Embassy in Nigeria, although its physical location is at 1, Justice Mohammed Bello Street, Off Jose Marti Crescent, Asokoro, Abuja, Nigerian travelers, fortunate enough, do not necessarily need to visit it, as visas for Rwanda can be obtained upon arrival.

Finding affordable accommodation in Rwanda varies based on individual preferences and budget constraints. Options range from Airbnb to hotels and hostels. Websites like and Airbnb offer a wide array of accommodations suiting different budgetary needs. Typically, travelers can find affordable guesthouses, such as one where a double room cost us $60 per night during our last visit.

Rwanda stands as an inviting destination for Nigerian travelers, offering ease of entry, accessible visa processes, and a range of accommodation options to suit various preferences and budgets.

Guide to Securing a Caregiver Job with Visa Sponsorship in the UK

Currency and Money Matters

The local currency used in Rwanda is the Rwandan Franc, but many places also accept US Dollars. While USD is widely accepted, it’s advisable to exchange some money as certain places, like local markets and public transportation, require payment in the local currency. The current exchange rate stands at $1=870RWF, and for better rates, consider exchanging money at a Bureau de Change (BDC).

Health Precautions

When traveling to Rwanda, carrying your yellow fever vaccination card is essential. It’s recommended to have the actual vaccination rather than just possessing the card.

Best Time to Visit Rwanda

Rwanda is a year-round destination, yet the optimal time to visit is typically from June to mid-September. December might not be ideal for East Africa travel due to potential stresses, as noted by some travelers.

Transportation Within the Country

Transportation within Rwanda is cost-effective. Taxis are a convenient option within cities and are reasonably priced. Alternatively, motorcycles, known as motos, are prevalent and the cheapest means of local transportation. For intercity travel, buses like RITCO offer comfort and some even provide Wi-Fi.

Cost Breakdown for Traveling to Rwanda

The expenses for a trip to Rwanda vary based on several factors like duration, group size, accommodation preferences, transportation choices, tours, and activities. Flight tickets range from N140,000 to N200,000. Visa costs $30 per person, and food costs approximately $10-$15 for a decent meal. Within the city, taxis cost between $8 and $10, motos less than $3, and RITCO buses around $5. Accommodation averages around $60 per night.

Top Destinations to Explore in Rwanda

Kigali Genocide Memorial

Nigeria to Rwanda

An imperative site for understanding Rwanda’s resilient rebirth post the tragic events of 25 years ago. This memorial offers a profound insight into the country’s history during and after the genocide. Visitors can learn, engage with survivors’ narratives, and witness Rwanda’s transformation from the 1990s to the present.

Book here.

Nyamyumba Hot Springs

Nestled in Rubavu, an area renowned for its beaches and as a border city, these natural hot springs offer a serene escape. While more development is desirable, the springs are a must-visit. Visitors can indulge in local massages and enjoy the tranquil ambiance.

Akagera National Park

Situated in the Eastern part of Rwanda bordering Tanzania, this park is a paradise for wildlife enthusiasts. It boasts a rich ecosystem, housing diverse wildlife such as lions, elephants, hippos, crocodiles, zebras, monkeys, and other fascinating animals.

Exploring these destinations presents an opportunity to delve into Rwanda’s history, experience its natural wonders, and witness the country’s flourishing wildlife—a testament to Rwanda’s remarkable journey and captivating attractions.

Frequently Asked Questions About Traveling to Rwanda

What do I need to know before going to Rwanda?

Essential Tips for Traveling to Rwanda

What do I need to travel to Rwanda from Nigeria?

Travel Requirements for Rwanda

How much money do I need to travel to Rwanda?

Costs and Budget for Rwanda

How much is Rwanda visa fee in Nigeria?

Rwanda Visa Fee

Do they speak English in Rwanda?

Official Languages in Rwanda

How much is a flight from Nigeria to Rwanda in Naira?

Flight Costs

Is Rwanda visa-free for Nigerians?

Rwanda’s Visa-Free Travel Policy

Can you travel to Rwanda by road from Nigeria?

Overland Travel to Rwanda

How many hours is it from Nigeria to Rwanda?

Flight Duration

What kind of food do they eat in Rwanda?

Rwandan Diet

What is the best time to visit Rwanda?

Optimal Visiting Period

Can you use US dollars in Rwanda?

Currency Usage

Do I need an invitation letter to visit Rwanda?

Invitation Letter Requirement

Is it safe to travel to Rwanda in Africa?

Safety Considerations

What animal is Rwanda known for?

Rwanda’s Wildlife

What vaccines do I need for Rwanda?

Recommended Vaccines

What to bring back from Rwanda?

Souvenir Ideas

Is Rwanda a clean country?

Rwanda’s Cleanliness

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